What Are the Benefits of Tummy Tuck Surgery?

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When most people think of tummy tuck surgery, one of the first things that comes to mind is shedding stubborn inches and getting a slimmer, sexier figure. While these are certainly some of the most exciting aesthetic benefits of a tummy tuck, you may be surprised to learn that there are a number of functional and health benefits of tummy tuck surgery as well — like improved posture, reduced back and neck pain, and others. At Plastic Surgery of Houston, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jay Shenaq understands that everyone's reasons for wanting tummy tuck surgery are unique, and he is committed to helping create a customized surgical plan that can help you achieve your goals. Whether you're hoping to finally get your pre-baby body back or you are tired of the aches and pains associated with your loose abdominal skin, keep reading to learn how a tummy tuck may benefit you in more ways than one.

What's included in a tummy tuck?

The tummy tuck, formally known as abdominoplasty surgery, does more than simply slim down the tummy itself. Instead, tummy tuck surgery can help to address a wide range of concerns regarding the midsection, including:

  • Loose skin on the abdomen
  • Abdominal stretch marks
  • Hanging abdominal skin
  • Belly pooch
  • Protruding lower abdomen
  • Diastasis recti (abdominal separation)
  • Fatty deposits in the midsection
  • Certain types of abdominal hernias

Additionally, customized tummy tuck plans often include complementary procedures, like liposuction, flank fat removal, and others, to create an even more dramatic, balanced new physique that can be enjoyed from all sides.

What are the benefits of abdominoplasty?

Choosing tummy tuck surgery can be life-changing in a number of exciting ways — from helping restore your self-confidence to making your clothes fit better and even making it easier to move around. Some of the most compelling potential benefits of tummy tuck surgery overall include:

  • Slim midsection
  • Smooth stomach
  • Remove or reduce abdominal stretch marks
  • Get rid of muffin top
  • Reduce stubborn fat
  • Improve or reverse aesthetic side effects of weight loss, pregnancy, or aging
  • Tighten and reinforce abdominal muscles
  • Correct diastasis recti
  • Fix hernia
  • Improve posture
  • Reduce aches and pain in the back, neck, and elsewhere associated with hanging skin and poor posture
  • Improve urinary continence, in some cases
  • Restore self-esteem
  • Reduced chafing and discomfort with exercise
  • Improved mobility

Aside from the aesthetic, functional, and psychological benefits of tummy tuck surgery above, patients may also experience improved health and overall well-being. This is particularly true for patients who adopt and/or continue to maintain a healthy, sustainable lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet after tummy tuck surgery — all of which can reduce the risk of certain diseases and help preserve your results for longer.

Wondering where to start with a tummy tuck in Houston, TX? Call our friendly team today

There's no denying the significant and potentially life-changing benefits tummy tuck surgery has to offer. If you're ready to finally look, feel, and function like your best self with abdominal body contouring, call to schedule your private consultation with internationally recognized, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jay Shenaq at Plastic Surgery of Houston today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.