Common Questions About Tummy Tuck Recovery

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Although tummy tuck is one of the most popular and widely performed cosmetic surgeries today, it is not necessarily considered "routine" — meaning each case is highly customized based on the patient's individual needs and goals. Additionally, recovery after tummy tuck surgery can be somewhat involved due to the extent of the procedure, which makes dramatic changes to a large portion of the patient's midsection.

In fact, many patients have more questions about tummy tuck recovery than they do about the procedure itself or even their potential results. Here, Houston, TX board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jay Shenaq of Plastic Surgery of Houston answers common tummy tuck recovery questions to help you get a better idea of what to expect after your procedure so that you can prepare — physically and mentally — accordingly.

How does a tummy tuck work?

To get a clearer understanding of the tummy tuck recovery process, it's helpful to have some knowledge about how the surgery is performed. Again, each tummy tuck is personalized based on the patient's anatomy, desired outcome, and other variables. Generally speaking, however, a tummy tuck begins with Dr. Shenaq creating a horizontal incision on the lower abdomen. The length of a tummy tuck incision will depend on how much excess skin needs to be removed. Dr. Shenaq will carefully trim away loose, hanging skin and remove stubborn fat via liposuction. If needed, the abdominal muscles will be tightened and reinforced, and a diastasis recti repair may be performed. Finally, Dr. Shenaq will pull the skin taut and close the incision with sutures for a smoother, slimmer new shape.

How long does it take to heal from tummy tuck surgery?

The recovery timeline after tummy tuck surgery will vary somewhat from patient to patient. On average, patients can expect to take about 2 – 3 weeks off work for a tummy tuck, while exercise and physical activities may be off limits for up to 6 – 8 weeks or longer.

What are some recovery tips after tummy tuck surgery?

Dr. Shenaq and our caring team will provide comprehensive tummy tuck aftercare instructions to help minimize swelling, speed up your recovery, reduce discomfort, and make the process as efficient and successful as possible. Some important tummy tuck postoperative care tips include:

  • Sleep in a reclining position with your upper and lower body both slightly elevated
  • Walk with a slight bend at the waist to avoid tension on your incision
  • Limit physical activity, but do take light walks around the house to encourage proper circulation
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Eat a nutritious diet and stay hydrated
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol
  • Take medications as prescribed and directed
  • Refrain from using saunas, baths, hot tubs, etc.
  • Attend all of your follow-up appointments as scheduled
  • Plan for help with chores, errands, and children

Do you have to have drains after a tummy tuck?

In some cases, drains and drainage tubes will be placed after a tummy tuck to prevent the buildup of fluid. If applicable, Dr. Shenaq will discuss whether you'll need drains during your tummy tuck recovery and, if so, how to care for them.

If you have additional questions about recovery and healing after tummy tuck surgery, don't hesitate to contact our friendly team to learn more.

Show off slimmer, smoother lines and feel your best with tummy tuck surgery in Houston, TX

Whether pregnancy, extreme weight loss, or the simple side effects of aging have resulted in loose abdominal skin and other unwanted changes, tummy tuck surgery can help restore the slimmer shape you desire and give you the self-confidence boost you deserve. Take the first step toward a new you by calling Plastic Surgery of Houston to schedule your Houston, TX tummy tuck consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon and body contouring specialist Dr. Jay Shenaq today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.